High-profile Olympian Johnny Weir and his husband, Victor Voronov, have been embroiled in a relatively bitter divorce in recent months. However, a decision about community property and alimony shocked many Maryland residents, as the pair chose to sell off all of their holdings and put the funds in a trust. Some sources say that instead of negotiating about alimony, the couple is seeking access to some valuable sentimental items before going their separate ways.
News reports show that the most recent property division question arose in connection with items held in a storage unit in New Jersey. Among those objects: a $20,000 Faberge egg, along with high-end Louis Vitton luggage and the couple’s wedding rings. Weir had originally asked to sell those items himself, but Voronov and his attorney protested.
A six-hour negotiation led to a compromise between both parties: Weir would get the egg and his own wedding ring, while Voronov would get the luggage and his wedding ring. This property division process certainly seemed daunting. Weir has told his online devotees that he is happy to start anew after that property division negotiation.
The breakup between Weir and Voronov has been fraught with difficulties, as the pair argued about domestic abuse and other serious concerns. Infidelity was also alleged. The couple, married for two years, has chosen the tamer option of selling their community property rather than haggling over specific items in most cases.
Equitable property distribution is an important tenet of modern Maryland divorce; sometimes, though, one spouse needs extra financial help to get back on their feet. In this case, it appears that the couple may have scrapped alimony negotiations in favor of other strategies. However, alimony can have a significant impact on an ex-spouse’s life, allowing them to rebuild their lives after a breakup. Alimony can be used to pay living expenses and maintain a certain standard of living. A Maryland attorney may be able to help couples learn more about their own alimony and property division options.
Source: New York Post, “Forget alimony: Weir gets $20K Fabergé egg” Maggie Coughlan, Apr. 01, 2014