Civil Rights

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed 50 years ago.  A long time has passed and many people cannot relate to life prior to the Civil Rights Act, prior to Brown v. Board of Education, and prior to all of the related legislation that provided equal rights for minorities and for women.  While I can’t remember whether Brown v. Board of Education is decided, I try to describe how different life was in the 60s and younger people simply can’t relate.   It is even difficult for me to recall just how different the law was and how different people were treated today.

Lyndon Johnson is remembered for the Viet Nam War and we forget the landmark programs and legislation known as the “Great Society” that he conceived and guided through Congress.

We need to remember the words of Martin Luther King:  “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable…Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle..the tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.