Co-Parenting: The Transition from Spouses to Former Spouses


Co-Parenting is one of the biggest concerns parents have when going through a divorce and/or separation is how the transition will affect their children. Adjusting to a new schedule and routine is hard on children, and parents should strive to ease as much stress on their children as they can.

A key way of achieving this is to develop a strong and supportive co-parenting relationship with your former spouse. This may not always be easy at first; however, accomplishing same will greatly ease the transition to your new relationship for your children.

It is important to separate the emotions that led to your divorce from the new co-parenting relationship you are forming with your former spouse. Harboring resentments and dredging up past events/feelings will only serve to negatively effect your communication with your former spouse. Your children should be your top priority and holding onto the past does not help to foster a positive environment for them.

No relationship is perfect and certainly disagreements will develop between you and your former spouse despite your best efforts to avoid them. It is helpful to take a step back before engaging in the disagreement to determine if there is a way it can be resolved without further conflict. If the disagreement cannot be resolved, seek outside support to help aid in resolving the conflict. A helpful resource could be co-parenting classes.

Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC. is an Annapolis-based family law firm serving clients throughout the state of Maryland. If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, please contact our firm to reserve a consultation time at our office.

Pets now subject to custody determination in Alaskan divorce matters

pets in divorce cases

Everyone understands that divorces can be messy, tension-filled and highly confrontational. Amongst other disagreements, most soon to be former spouses argue over the division of personal property items – who is going to get the antique vase? The collection of artwork and paintings? The flat screen televisions? The expensive jewelry? and even the pets in divorce cases.

Up until a few weeks ago in Alaska, pets were included in this discussion regarding the division of personal property items because that is how they were viewed by the courts – as items of property to be divided between divorcing spouses. Pets were included in the same analysis as to how a car or collection of home furnishings was to be divided in divorce matters. As a relationship one has with a pet is more important than how much material value they possess, and as people cannot be “bought out” of their share of their pet, the analysis used for dividing property is not a good fit for resolving pet custody disputes.

Due to a recent amendment of Alaska’s divorce statutes, pets are no longer subject to the classification of “property” in terms of how they are viewed in divorce matters. Alaska is the first state in the country to take into consideration the well-being of the animal and to enable judges to assign divorcing couples joint custody of pets. Pets are given the distinction, for the first time, beyond that as items of property, and the court may award custody based upon what is best for the pet, not it’s human owner. Further, the Alaskan amendment also allows courts to include pets in domestic violence protective orders and requires the owners of pets seized due to cruelty or neglect cases to provide payment for the cost of their shelter.

This amendment embodies the sentiment most of us who are pet-owners feels about our pets – they are members of our family whom we love as much as our own human friends and family. Decisions made as to who retains custody of the pets should take into consideration the best interest of the pet, and not solely the desires of the pet-owners. Hopefully this recent amendment will spark a trend that will begin to sweep across the nation and over into Maryland.

Peters & Clark, P.A. is an Annapolis-based family law firm serving clients throughout the state of Maryland. If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, please contact our firm to reserve a consultation time at our office.

Valuation of Marital Assets

One question we are often posed with when negotiating marital settlement agreements when there is a division of assets to be determined is what date is to be used to value those assets – date of separation or date of divorce. The question is not a simple one to answer.

Md. Family Law Code Ann. §8-203 supports the idea of assets being designated as marital property up to the date the judgment of absolute divorce is executed. Additionally, a formula established by case law, the Bangs formula, uses a numerator that includes time that runs up until the date of divorce.

However, an equitable argument can be made, and usually is made, that after a parties’ separation, neither party is contributing to the assets of the other party and is therefore not adding any value to those assets, which supports the date of separation as the date used to value marital assets. Parties can be separated for several years prior to filing a divorce petition or their divorce litigation can continue for a protracted period of time. Many assets, including retirement and investment accounts, will continue to accrue value during the time period between a parties’ separation and judgment of absolute divorce, and a fair and equitable argument can be made that the valuation date for these assets should be the date of the parties’ separation.

Cynthia H. Clark and Associates LLC is an Annapolis-based family law firm serving clients throughout the state of Maryland. If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, please contact our firm to reserve a consultation time at our office.

Information about Consent for Potential Adoptive Parents in Annapolis

Many situations can present an opportunity to adopt a child in this ever changing world. The deaths of parents often result in an adoption by a family member, also known as a kinship adoption. Children given up by their biological parents, or who have been removed by the state and placed in the foster care system, may become part of another family when a kinship adoption is not suitable.

Adoptions may be open or closed. An open adoption allows the potential for contact between the biological parents and either the adoptive parents, or child, based on the parties’ agreement. A closed adoption will effectively cut all ties between the previous parents and the child’s new family to eliminate any confusion for the child, or interference that could hinder bonding of the new family unit.

Regardless of the type of adoption, the court will always consider what is in the child’s best interests, and has the authority to make changes accordingly.

The purpose of Maryland adoption laws is to ensure that the child’s best interest are served by being placed with a prospective parent who is fit for the responsibility. Some ways the laws attempt to do this include:

  • Trying to keep biological parents and children together, though that isn’t always possible.
  • Preventing parents from giving up their legal rights to their children without taking time to think it through.
  • Protecting prospective adoptive parents by providing them information about the child, and ensuring their relationship with that child will not be disrupted by the former parents.

Whatever the scenario that brought a great prospective parent and adoptive child together, there are times when the adoption process is halted.

Why an adoption may not go forward

If the biological parents’ rights have not previously been legally terminated by the state, or voluntarily by the parents themselves, written consents to relinquish those rights have to be obtained before an adoption can be granted.

Because consent to adopt a child may only be given after the child has been born, a pregnant mother who chooses a family to adopt her child has a right to change her mind and stop the adoption proceedings. Even if the biological parents have already consented after birth, they have a 30-day window of time to think about their decision, and may change their minds when confronted with the reality of losing a child.

If the prospective adoptee is a minor child, or cannot participate in the adoption process due to another disability, an attorney must be appointed to represent him or her. Failure to appoint an attorney typically delays the adoption process until the conditions are met. However, there is always the chance that the biological parents could regret their choice and withdraw consent in the interim.

The possibility also exists that a biological father, who has been absent from the child’s life, or did not know that he had a child until the adoption process began, suddenly comes forward. This can result in the father refusing to consent to the adoption, and possibly retaining custody, or may merely cause a delay until the proper written consent is obtained.

Another unforeseen problem with consent can arise in adoptions when the presumed biological father is found to be a mistake. The adoption cannot proceed without making attempts to locate the true biological father, which again, can result in either obtaining consent to adopt, or losing a child you already feel is part of your family.

Less often, an adoption falls through over a legal or administrative technicality. Errors in obtaining signed forms, or failing to follow proper procedure based on the type of adoption, can hold up the process. Adoption is stressful for prospective parents, who are nervous that they could be forced to walk away without a child to whom they already feel emotionally connected.

If you are seeking to adopt a child, unnecessary time spent waiting for finalization of an adoption has the ability to cause devastating consequences for everyone involved.

Minimize your risk of heartache by hiring an adoption lawyer who knows what you will be going through, and will take every available precaution to ensure the process goes smoothly. Consult with the understanding attorneys of Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC to help you plan for the best, and prepare for the unexpected considerations of adoption. To speak with an Annapolis adoption attorney, we may be reached through our contact page, or by phone at 410-990-0090.

Helping a Friend or Loved One through Divorce

Divorce is an already paralyzing event for many men and women, and it comes with a flurry of emotions. Guilt, anger, jealousy, fear, and betrayal can be just the tip of the iceberg, depending on the circumstances under which the parties are splitting up.

Friends and loved ones may have a similar feeling of betrayal, prompting them to “take sides” in the process. Many people believe this is what support looks like, but it can be more harmful than helpful in some situations. The key to being supportive is to help based on what the divorcing person actually needs, and not what you think he or she needs.                     

Avenues for emotional support

Divorce is often painful, and it helps to remember that people react differently to pain. This includes you, even if you are not one of the people getting divorced. You are entitled to be angry, upset, or hurt for yourself and on behalf of your loved one. However, displacing your feelings onto your friend – assuming that he or she feels the way you do – may not be what is best.

Instead, listen to your friend’s concerns, but do not reciprocate with a negative discussion about his or her soon-to-be ex-spouse. This only helps to fuel negative feelings, and if children are in the house, it can cause damage to their relationship with the other parent.

Stay neutral and non-judgmental about anything your friend discloses to you about herself or himself, or his or her damaged relationship. Most people become self-critical or irrational in times of crisis and may confide in you details that otherwise never would have come to light. It is best to remember that he or she is vulnerable right now, and that his or her feelings or responses can (and probably will) change over time.

Keep your friend on good social footing by getting him or her out of the house. At some point during separation, it is common for parties to go through some form of depression; isolating himself or herself is a sign that this is happening. It’s a normal emotion, but to prevent your friend from becoming more withdrawn, make sure to keep him or her active. If you live far away, keep in touch via email, text, or phone calls, so that he or she knows you are still present in his or her life.

If your friend has children, you can offer to be there physically for the exchange, if warranted. The presence of a third party can make an enormous difference in behavior during pickups and drop-offs.

Taking the practical route

Part of separation and divorce means one of the parties will be moving out of the marital residence. The thought of packing all of your belongings, finding a moving company, and securing a new place to live can be overwhelming for anyone. This, along with everything else that comes with divorce, may cause your loved one to feel like he or she is drowning. Help your friend locate resources to make this transition easier. Try making a list of apartments that fit the criteria your friend would prefer, or help with a yard sale if the couple needs to sell the home and belongings. You could offer to babysit or pet sits on a weekend, so your friend can take care of errands or appointments.

If you see that your friend is struggling, suggest that he or she seek out a therapist who specializes in divorce. Talking through certain issues with friends is an immense help, but unless you are a licensed professional, you have a limited amount of assistance to offer. You could also be putting your own mental health at risk by trying to take on every problem that your friend is going through.

Domestic violence can change everything

If an abusive situation is at the root of the marriage breaking up, your friend might need to take safety measures such as filing a police report or applying for a protective order. Your friend might need help planning to leave safely before doing either of these things.

Your first urge might be to offer your loved one a place to stay with you. The intention is based on love, but this may not be the best option: the other spouse may know where to find your friend, placing both of you in danger. Many victims become nervous and have a change of heart because they fear retaliation. Offer to go with your friend to the police department or the court, so he or she doesn’t feel alone. You could also research domestic violence shelter options that fit your friend’s needs, but let him or her choose where to go.

Finally, urge your friend to seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney, rather than trying to take on the legal system on his or her own. Parties certainly have a right to represent themselves in court, but the value of having a professional who not only understands the nuances of the law but knows how to maneuver through the procedural quagmires is invaluable to saving your friend’s sanity. Even minor mistakes being made can stall your friend’s case, or cost an equitable share of his or her marital estate. In the end, hiring a family law attorney is the most sensible choice to make.

When a marriage is no longer working, emotions run high and it becomes difficult to keep your best interests in mind. If you believe you are ready to seek the advice you need, let the seasoned professionals with Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC guide you through the difficulties of ending a marriage. Schedule a consultation with a divorce lawyer in our Annapolis office through our contact page, or call us at 410-990-0090.

Are Final Judgments Always Final in Maryland Divorces?

At the end of your divorce proceedings, the court will issue a divorce decree. It is the formal order (sometimes called the final judgments) that says your marriage is over. A divorce decree is issued in limited divorce cases and in absolute divorce cases.

However, just because the divorce decree is a legally binding document, that does not mean the decree cannot be altered later down the line should the need arise. Maryland allows for the modification of divorce decrees if there has been:

  1. A material change in circumstances. As an example, if you or your ex-spouse are subjected to a significant increase or decrease in salary, or if you or your ex-spouse becomes very ill, you can petition the court to modify your divorce decree.
  2. Verifiable fraud. An example would be if your spouse willfully and knowingly commits an act of fraud – such as lying about assets, or withholding key information that is important to the divorce proceedings – you can petition the court to modify your decree in light of the new information. Understand that this works both ways, so it is critically important that you be honest with your divorce lawyer and with the court when you file for divorce.
  3. Threats of violence and/or acts of violence. If your ex-spouse threatened you with some form of harm or retribution, you can petition for a modification. Acting under duress can invalidate a divorce decree.

Is modifying a divorce decree different from modifying a custody agreement?

Your child custody agreement is a part of your divorce decree, and is therefore always subject to modification when the need arises. Custody is always modifiable so long as the children are minors, and the modifiability is not dependent on the Judgment of Divorce being subject to modification.

Generally speaking, in an uncontested divorce, a couple will create a marital settlement agreement (also called a separation agreement, or a property settlement agreement). This document outlines how the couple wishes to proceed in matters of custody, support, alimony, and/or property division. If the couple can agree on some issues but not others, they can create a partial agreement; the court will render decisions on the rest.

When can’t a divorce decree be modified?

Child support and custody can always be subject to modification because the best interests of the child are the primary concern of the court. However, other aspects of your decree – such as alimony – may be protected from modification if there is a provision in the settlement that says it is not subject to modification, or if there is an express waiver included in the settlement.

Modifying any part of your divorce decree can be challenging, especially if your ex-spouse does not want to cooperate, or opposes the modification. Working with an experienced divorce attorney is in your best interest. At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, we assist clients in need of post-divorce modifications to custody and support agreements, and alimony agreements.

Things change. When they do, you can rely on our Annapolis divorce attorneys to help you through the Final Judgments process. To schedule a consultation, please call Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC at 410.921.2422 or fill out our contact form.

The Role of the Guardian ad Litem, or Best Interest Attorney

What is the role of the guardian?

If you have children, you have disagreements over co-parenting, especially if you are headed for divorce. If you are already there, adding stepparents or paramours to the mix may lead to actions that affect your children. Many times these situations lead you to court, and to minimize the impact on your children that a high conflict divorce, or a battle over a custody plan may have, a Guardian ad Litem may become involved.

A Guardian ad Litem is an impartial attorney appointed by the court to protect the best interests of a child during custody actions. While many states still use the term “Guardian ad Litem,” in Maryland these advocates are now referred to as Best Interest Attorneys (“BIA”). A BIA may be appointed to your child after the court considers factors under Maryland law, including:

  • The request of one or both parties;
  • Existence of a high level of conflict;
  • Inappropriate adult influence or manipulation;
  • Past or current child abuse or neglect;
  • Past or current mental health problems of the child or party;
  • Special physical, educational, or mental health needs of the child that require investigation or advocacy;
  • Actual or threatened family violence;
  • Alcohol or other substance abuse;
  • Consideration of terminating or suspending parenting time or awarding custody or visitation to a non-parent; or
  • Relocation that substantially reduces the child’s time with a parent, sibling, or both.

The court determines the best interests of the child through weighing a series of factors that can vary based on the relief being sought. It is the job of the Best Interest Attorney to provide the court with information sufficient to make sound decisions as to placing your child in the best environment available. In this sense, the BIA acts as the eyes and ears of the court to ensure decisions made on your child’s behalf are truly in their best interests.

What does the Best Interest Attorney do, exactly?

Though issues related to your child may be discussed with you, the other party, and your attorneys, the BIA reports factual information and makes recommendations to the court after performing a comprehensive, independent investigation. Investigations involve conducting visits to each home in which your child lives, and interviewing your child, the parties, and other witnesses in the home or who have an influence on the child, or who simply possess information to assist the BIA in forming a picture of your child’s life. He or she may also review your child’s medical records and school records. Today, given the vast amount of electronic information available, BIA’s may also conduct criminal background checks or research social media accounts as part of their investigation.

This may seem invasive; however, the BIA’s job is to protect your child’s wellbeing, which requires gaining an accurate picture of them and what he or she may be exposed to on a daily basis.

Additionally, while your child’s wishes are considered, the BIA is not required to adhere to his or her preference when making recommendations, and the court may give deference to your child’s age when making a decision to serve their best interests.

BIA’s are paid but may serve pro bono. Barring any financial hardship, the court will generally require both parties to equally share in the expense beginning with payment of an initial retainer.

If you have a contentious situation involving child custody or visitation and need help, speak with the Annapolis family law attorneys of Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC today. Our knowledgeable and caring attorneys are ready to guide you through any family court issue you are experiencing. Please contact the firm or call 410-990-0090 to arrange a consultation.

Determining Parenting Time for De Facto Parents

In 2016, Maryland began recognizing de facto parents by giving them legal standing in custody and visitation decisions. A de facto (“in fact”) parent is a person who plays a significant, parent-like role in a child’s life. A de facto parent has taken on parenting responsibilities for the child and has bonded with the child, and the child depends on his or her relationship with that person. As long as the de facto parent has an intact relationship with the child’s biological or adopted parent or parents, his or her place in the child’s life is secure. However, when the spouses divorce, the de facto parent might feel as if he or she is on shaky ground when it comes to custody and parenting time issues. This also applies to grandparents and other domestic partners as well.

By acknowledging the validity of a de facto parent’s role in the life of the child, Maryland now gives the de facto parent equal footing. De facto parents can share the same rights and responsibilities as biological, legal parents to make decisions about the care, custody, and best interests of the child. They no longer have to prove there are exceptional circumstances, or that the other parent is unfit.

The court decides custody and visitation based on the best interests of the child, regardless of whether you are a biological parent, an adoptive parent, or a de facto parent. If you and your co-parent create a parenting plan that addresses these issues, the courts will likely go along with it. If you cannot create a parenting plan together, then the courts will make the determination for you.

What if there are exceptional circumstances?

If there are exceptional circumstances involved, or if the legal parent could be deemed unfit, Maryland courts may consider the factors listed in McDermott v. Dougherty, 385 Md. 320 (2005) in their determination:

  1. The length of time the child has been away from the biological parent
  2. The age of the child when care was assumed by the third party
  3. The possible emotional effect on the child of a change of custody
  4. The period of time which elapsed before the parent sought to reclaim the child
  5. The nature and strength of the ties between the child and the third-party custodian
  6. The intensity and genuineness of the parent’s desire to have the child
  7. The stability and certainty as to the child’s future in the custody of the parent

Deciding child custody has always been a challenging task. Parents develop deep, strong bonds with their children, and being forced to live apart from them can inspire desperate actions. If you are being denied your rights to parenting time with your children, seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney as soon as you can.

At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC we focus on protecting the best interests of your child. Our Annapolis child custody attorneys are here to represent you and your family in all matters of family law. You can reserve a consultation with a member of our team by calling 410.921.2422 or filling out our contact form.

5 Interesting Divorce Facts and Trends

Humans are complicated creatures. Two people can fall passionately in love and move heaven and earth to be together – yet when things go south, they become filled with a vengeful rage and will stop at nothing to get out of the marriage. Given the fascinating nature of the dynamics of human relationships, a lot of time and effort is spent studying marriage and divorce. The following are five interesting divorce facts and trends about divorce in America.

1. The divorce rate is falling

The belief that says 50% or more marriages end in divorce is not accurate. The overall divorce rate in the United States has been in steady decline. The average divorce rate for first marriages is between 42-45%. Maryland’s divorce rate is 10%, though USA TODAY describes Edgewater as our “divorce capital,” with an average divorce rate of 16.2%.

2. The bigger the wedding, the bigger the divorce.

A research study titled “A Diamond is Forever and Other Fairy Tales” analyzed the relationship between the cost of the wedding celebration and the length of the marriage in the United States. The researchers found an inverse relationship between spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony and how long the couple remained married, possibly because the financial stress of paying for elaborate ceremonies increases the odds of marital dissolution. If you want to give your marriage its best chance, perhaps a smaller wedding is the better idea.

3. Long commutes can increase the risk of divorce

If one spouse commutes more than 45 minutes each way to work, it can increase the likelihood of divorce, according to a research study “Til Work Do Us Part: The Social Fallacy of Long-distance Commuting.” Researchers found that rates of separation are higher among couples who have a long-distance commute.

4. “Gray divorce” rates are increasing

Gray divorce is the name given to the trend of people aged 54-64 getting divorced at increasing rates. The Wall Street Journal reports that “For 55- to 64-year-olds, [the divorce rate] climbed from 5 divorces per 1,000 marriages to 15 divorces per 1,000 marriages, and for those 65 and older, it rose from 1.8 to 5.”

These increased rates could be caused by how young the “Baby Boomers” were when they married. Another factor is that many people in this age group are on their second marriage, and second marriages have a greater risk for divorce. Ideas about the moral acceptability of divorce are changing also, which could play a role in the increase.

5. People cheat on their spouses

It turns out that adultery is still one of the most common factors in causing a divorce. Research done by the Institute for Family Studies states that 16% of all spouses (about 20% of all men, and 15% of all women) admitted to having sex with someone who was not their spouse. The averages increased as the populations got older: 16% of women aged 60-69, and 26% of men aged 70-79, admitted to cheating. Per their findings, “Among ever-married adults who have cheated on their spouses before, 40% are currently divorced or separated. By comparison, only 17% of adults who were faithful to their spouse are no longer married.”

If you have come to a place where you feel you have done all you can and it is time to end your marriage, you need an advocate who will represent you and your interests through the divorce process. At Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC, we are here for you. Our Annapolis divorce attorneys have the experience, resources, and compassion to help you through the challenges of divorce. You can reserve a consultation by calling 410.921.2422 or filling out our contact form.

Emergency Child Custody in Maryland

There is nothing more terrifying to a parent than believing your child is in danger. When the cause of the danger is your co-parent, however, there are certain steps you can take to ensure your child’s protection and may require an emergency child custody hearing to resolve the situation.

If you believe that your child is facing an immediate health or safety risk, you can request an emergency custody hearing by filing an emergency petition for child custody. The hearing will take place quickly – sometimes within a few days of the request; sometimes within hours following the request – which allows the court to make a quick decision regarding the child’s safety.

Reasons to request an emergency custody hearing

There are several different reasons for filing a petition for an emergency child custody order, including (but not limited to):

  • Abuse or neglect by the other parent or a member of the other parent’s household
  • Threats of abuse or violence by the other parent or a member of the other parent’s household
  • Alcohol or drug use and/or abuse by the other parent or a member of the other parent’s household
  • To avert a parental kidnapping
  • A conviction of child sexual abuse charges by the other parent or a member of the other parent’s household
  • Abandonment of the child
  • Changes in the safety of the other parent’s accommodations (utilities being turned off, risk of eviction, etc.)

Evidence to support your emergency petition

If the court consents, you and the other parent will be required to attend a hearing. The party filing the petition must have evidence to support the allegations, including:

  • Police report or an arrest record for the other parent
  • Records from Child Protection Services
  • Medical records for the child
  • Court records from previous protection order hearings
  • Evidence of the other parent’s alcohol or drug abuse
  • Evidence of domestic violence against the child, such as photos or videos
  • Records of previous convictions for the other parent

Understand that Maryland’s laws protect parental rights, so unless the child is in immediate danger of harm, or of being removed from the state permanently, it can be a challenge to obtain emergency custody. This is why having evidence is a critical part of the process.

How long does an emergency child custody order last in Maryland?

An emergency child custody order is a temporary change, which allows the court to quickly modify the custody order to protect the child’s safety. Before you can file an emergency custody order, you must have an open custody case. Once the final custody order is made in the case, the emergency custody order will expire.

If you are considering an emergency child custody order, you are facing a difficult situation for your child and yourself. Having an experienced Annapolis child custody lawyer from Cynthia H. Clark & Associates, LLC on your side can help you move through the process quickly and smoothly, ensuring the safety of your child. To learn more about our services, or to reserve a consultation at our Annapolis office, please call 410.921.2422 or fill out our contact form.